
Symfony 1.4: sfImageFileValidator

Symfony 1.4 дээр upload хийж буй зургийн өргөн, өндрийг шалгах шалгагч.

$this->validatorSchema['picture'] = new sfImageFileValidator(
       'required' => $this->getObject()->isNew() ? true : false,
       'path' => sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/content_picture',
       'max_size' => 1048576,
       'min_height' => '292',
       'min_width' => '640',
       'mime_types' => array(
         'required' => 'Та зураг оруулна уу',
          'max_size' => 'Таны оруулсан зурагны хэмжээ иx байна. Хамгийн иxдээ 1024kb.',
          'mime_types' => 'Та зөвxөн зурган файл оруулаx боломжтой'));

Байдлаар ашиглана. Validator-ийн код:

* sfImageFileValidator allows you to apply constraints to image file upload, it extend the sfFileValidator functions.
* @author Kamil Adryjanek <kamil.adryjanek@gmail.com>
class sfImageFileValidator extends sfValidatorFile
* Configures the current validator.
* Available options:
* * max_height: The maximum file height in pixels
* * min_height: The minimum file height in pixels
* * max_width: The maximum file width in pixels
* * min_width: The minimum file width in pixels
* Available error codes:
* * max_height
* * min_height
* * max_width
* * min_width
* @param array $options An array of options
* @param array $messages An array of error messages
* @see sfValidatorBase
    public function configure($options = array(), $messages = array())
        parent::configure($options, $messages);
        $this->addMessage('max_height', 'File is too high (maximum is %max_height% pixels, %height% given).');
        $this->addMessage('min_height', 'File is too short (minimum is %min_height% pixels, %height% given).');
        $this->addMessage('max_width', 'File is too wide (maximum is %max_width% pixels, %width% given).');
        $this->addMessage('min_width', 'File is too thin (minimum is %min_width% pixels, %width% given).');
* This validator always returns a sfValidatedFile object.
* The input value must be an array with the following keys:
* * tmp_name: The absolute temporary path to the file
* * name: The original file name (optional)
* * type: The file content type (optional)
* * error: The error code (optional)
* * size: The file size in bytes (optional)
* @see sfValidatorBase
    protected function doClean($value)
        if (!is_array($value) || !isset($value['tmp_name'])) {
            throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'invalid', array('value' => (string) $value));
        // get image dimensions
        list($width, $height) = getimagesize($value['tmp_name']);
        // check file height
        if ($this->hasOption('max_height') && $this->getOption('max_height') < (int) $height) {
            throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'max_height', array('max_height' => $this->getOption('max_height'), 'height' => (int) $height));
        if ($this->hasOption('min_height') && $this->getOption('min_height') > (int) $height) {
            throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'min_height', array('min_height' => $this->getOption('min_height'), 'height' => (int) $height));
        // check file width
        if ($this->hasOption('max_width') && $this->getOption('max_width') < (int) $width) {
            throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'max_width', array('max_width' => $this->getOption('max_width'), 'width' => (int) $width));
        if ($this->hasOption('min_width') && $this->getOption('min_width') > (int) $width) {
            throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'min_width', array('min_width' => $this->getOption('min_width'), 'width' => (int) $width));
        // check other options
        return parent::doClean($value);

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